Ergonomics: How to set up two computer monitors

In order to reduce repetitive strain injuries, neck pain, headaches and eye strain associated with poor ergonomic setups, it's important to use office equipment appropriately. As many desk workers are now using more than one monitor at a time (including laptops), here are some tips on how to set up two monitors at your desk.

The first step to determine where to place a duel monitor setup is to determine how much you use each monitor.

If you use each monitor equally (50%-50%), it is fine to place both monitors as close as possible to the midline in front of you. Place each monitor at an angle, creating a semi-circle.

If you use one monitor more than the other (e.g. 80%-20%), place the monitor you use the most directly in front of you and place the secondary monitor on the side of your dominant eye at an angle, creating a half semi-circle.

In both cases, the monitors should be approximately an arm’s length from your body.


This information has been adapted from the Canadian Center for Occupational Health and Safety.


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